Summer travel season is here, and many of us are prepping for flights to reconnect with family and friends. As you plan your journey, it's vital to consider how your in-flight snack choices might affect your comfort during travel. Let's discuss some foods and beverages to avoid before and during your flight:
1. Salty Foods
High-sodium snacks like chips or processed meals can worsen dehydration, a common issue during flights due to dry cabin air. Consuming such salty fare could leave you feeling parched and uncomfortable.
2. Carbonated Beverages
Tempting as that can of soda might be, remember that changes in cabin pressure can impact your gastrointestinal tract, resulting in uncomfortable bloating. This discomfort can significantly undermine your flying experience.
For those who often find themselves feeling bloated during flights, there's a solution in CorVive's Cor Renew. Expertly crafted with a combination of natural ingredients, Cor Renew is designed to bolster your body's detox mechanisms. This means you can effectively combat bloating, making your in-flight experience a whole lot more comfortable.
3. Alcohol
The low-humidity and low-pressure environment in an airplane cabin intensifies alcohol's effects, leading to quicker dehydration and hindering your body's ability to adjust to new time zones. It's wise to limit your alcohol intake, especially on longer flights.
4. Coffee
A hot cup of coffee might seem like an ideal pick-me-up during your flight, but beware. The caffeine can dehydrate you, making you restless and potentially disrupting crucial sleep on long-haul flights where battling jet lag is key.
So, What Snacks Should You Consume On The Plane?
Your top choices before and during flights should be water, fruits, and lean proteins. Staying hydrated is paramount; therefore, sipping on ample water before and throughout your flight is recommended. To take your hydration game up a notch, consider Cor Hydrate, a delicious, refreshing hydration drink from CorVive that's packed with essential electrolytes and minerals to keep you feeling your best.
Fresh fruits are an excellent snack option as they are hydrating and filled with essential vitamins and fiber. Lean proteins, like chicken or turkey, can keep you satiated without the excessive sodium found in many pre-packaged snacks.
A successful flight extends beyond merely getting from point A to point B—it's also about how comfortable and healthy you feel upon reaching your destination. By making smart snack choices before and during your flight, you can disembark feeling rejuvenated and ready to embrace the holiday festivities. Here's to a safe and enjoyable journey!