5 Tips for a Healthy Memorial Day Weekend

5 Tips for a Healthy Memorial Day Weekend

Written by: Corvive



Time to read 2 min

Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial start of summer for many, bringing with it the promise of sunny days, backyard barbecues, and time spent with friends and family. While it's a time for relaxation and celebration, it's also an opportunity to stay mindful of your health. Here are five tips to help you enjoy a healthy Memorial Day weekend.

"Celebrate Memorial Day by honoring your health as you honor heroes. Opt for balanced meals, hydration, and physical activity to create a weekend that revitalizes both body and spirit."

5 Tips for a Healthy Memorial Day Weekend

1. Stay Active

With the warm weather and extra day off, Memorial Day weekend is a great opportunity to get outside and move your body. Whether it's a family game of soccer, a swim in the lake, or a peaceful hike, incorporating physical activity can help balance out the extra eating that often comes with holiday weekends.

Practical Tip: Plan at least one group activity that involves exercise. It could be a morning walk, a bike ride, or even a friendly match of beach volleyball. Not only does this keep everyone active, but it also adds an element of fun to the weekend’s festivities.

5 Tips for a Healthy Memorial Day Weekend

2. Smart Grilling Choices

Barbecues are a staple of Memorial Day celebrations, but that doesn't mean you have to fill up on unhealthy foods. Opt for lean proteins like chicken, fish, or plant-based burgers. Grilled vegetables and salads packed with fruits and greens can also make nourishing additions to your barbecue.

Practical Tip: Marinade meats in healthy homemade sauces instead of store-bought ones that are often high in sugar and preservatives. Herbs and spices can add rich flavors without the extra calories.


Many common barbecue staples can be swapped for healthier alternatives without sacrificing flavor. For example, using Greek yogurt in dips instead of sour cream can cut down on calories and add a protein boost.

5 Tips for a Healthy Memorial Day Weekend
5 Tips for a Healthy Memorial Day Weekend

3. Stay Hydrated

Hot weather and outdoor activities can lead to dehydration, especially if you’re active or consuming alcoholic beverages. Staying hydrated is crucial to maintaining your energy levels and overall health during the weekend.

Practical Tip: Keep a water bottle with you at all times and sip regularly throughout the day. You can also flavor your water with slices of lemon, lime, or cucumber for a refreshing twist. For an additional boost, consider adding Cor Hydrate to your water. This supplement enhances your hydration with essential electrolytes, supporting your body’s hydration needs more effectively—especially during active, sunny days.

5 Tips for a Healthy Memorial Day Weekend

4. Practice Sun Safety

Protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays is important, especially if you're spending extended time outdoors. Sunburn can put a damper on your weekend and pose long-term health risks.

Practical Tip: Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every two hours, or more often if you're swimming or sweating. Don’t forget a hat and sunglasses for additional protection.

5 Tips for a Healthy Memorial Day Weekend

5. Moderation is Key

It's easy to overindulge when faced with a buffet of picnic foods and a festive atmosphere. Enjoying yourself doesn’t mean you have to compromise your health goals. You can indulge a little without going overboard.

Practical Tip: Use a smaller plate to help control portion sizes and resist the urge to go back for seconds. Focus on filling up with fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, and choose one or two treats you really want to try rather than sampling everything.

5 Tips for a Healthy Memorial Day Weekend


Memorial Day weekend is a time for fun and relaxation, but it doesn't have to derail your health goals . By staying active, making smart food choices, staying hydrated, practicing sun safety, and enjoying treats in moderation, you can have a delightful holiday that feels indulgent yet still aligns with your lifestyle. Enjoy the kickoff to summer with health, happiness, and good company!