If you’ve been feeling off, gaining or losing weight unintentionally, or having trouble focusing, you could be experiencing poor gut health. Here are four common signs of an unhealthy gut and how they can impact your life.
Unintentional Weight Gain or Loss
If you have a history of stable body weight but notice an increase or decrease, it can result from an imbalanced gut. Typically, weight fluctuations occur with a change in your physical activity or diet. Poor gut health could be the culprit if you’re experiencing a sudden weight change.
Some gut bacteria can impact how many calories and nutrients are extracted from food, often affecting your metabolism. If you eat healthy and regularly but notice a gain or loss in your weight, you might lack microbiome diversity in your gut.
Irritability, Moodiness, and Trouble Focusing
Some signs of an unhealthy gut include irritability, mood swings, and an inability to focus. Your gut and mental health are connected, and the gastrointestinal (GI) tract can influence your emotions. For instance, when you feel depression or anxiety, nerves stimulate the brain. In the same way, nerves stimulated in the gut also fire off, and GI symptoms can worsen psychological symptoms. Luckily, you can ease these feelings with dietary modifications, medications, and lifestyle changes.
Gas and Bloating Symptoms
Some common signs of an unhealthy gut include bloating, stomach pain, and poor digestion. If you experience these issues after eating certain foods, it could mean your digestive system is not breaking them down properly. For instance, food intolerances can lead to stomach issues, bloating, and pain. If you suspect a food or drink will irritate your GI tract, consume it slowly in small portions or not at all.
Insomnia and Fatigue
If you struggle with sleeping too little or too much, this can originate from your gut. The gut produces significant amounts of serotonin, impacting sleep and mood. Gut functions often interact with eating, sleeping rhythms, and emotions.
If you feel fatigued or experience insomnia, correcting your sleeping habits can aid in improving your gut health, and vice versa. Improper sleep can lead to digestive issues, so get a healthy amount of sleep to maintain an optimal gut microbiome.
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